Infographic: How to Save on Your Energy Bill
Are you looking to save some money? In addition to turning to our electricians in the King of Prussia region, here are three different ways you can reduce your energy bill this summer.
What’s Making My Electric Bill So High? Four MORE Surprising Energy Vampires
What’s Making My Electric Bill So High? Four MORE Surprising Energy Vampires Photo from Wikipedia, Public Domain in the U.S. Almost a year ago, we shared a blog post about five surprising energy suckers quietly blowing up your energy bill. Because using less energy isn’t just healthy for your wallet but for the planet as […]
How An Attic Fan Could Benefit Your Home
Photo: Liz West, Flickr Creative Commons Homeowners seeking to cut costs on energy and improve circulation in critical areas of the home may want to install an attic fan. These instruments have been in use for years, and are a relatively inexpensive home improvement than can yield significant results. Don’t know how an attic fan […]
Plan Now To Save Money Later: Summer Energy Tips
Plan Now To Save Money Later: Summer Energy Tips Photo: Brian Snelson, Flickr Creative Commons Spring is in the air, which means summer’s just around the corner. We Main Line residents know that temperatures can climb well into the 90’s and higher, so what are some ways to conserve energy when all we want to […]
3 Common Heating Mistakes That Make Your Electric Bill Skyrocket
3 Common Heating Mistakes That Make Your Electric Bill Skyrocket Photo: kazy79 Flickr Creative Commons During this time of year, many people find themselves feeling chilly in their homes, even when the heat is cranked up! To avoid shivering in the living room, some homeowners attempt to make their houses warmer through various tricks they may have […]