Living with flickering lights in your house is a difficult problem to ignore. While they may not be an immediate hazard, they are an inconvenience that you should not overlook, as it may lead to the discovery of a bigger problem. While there may be an issue in your system that requires a Wes Carver electrician to visit your home in Lansdale, PA or the surrounding areas, there are a few common culprits that can cause your lights to flicker, dim, or blink. Check out this infographic to shed some light on the problem.
Consider Bulb Type
A small amount of flickering from certain types of bulbs might not be cause for alarm. Fluorescent lights may blink for a minute or so after they are turned on, and LED lights may flicker if not compatible with your dimming system.
Bigger Issues
Flickering lights can range from a simple solution to a potentially dangerous and costly problem. Loose connections can lead to arcing, which causes the current to jump over gaps in the connection. This highly increases the chance of an electrical fire in your home. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International, arc faults start more than 28,000 home fires and cause $700 million in property damage. Electrical distribution systems are the third most common cause of home structure fires.
Old or improper wiring, switches, breakers, and connections are usually a cause for concern. If lights are flickering throughout your house, that could also mean there’s a faulty connection at your meter box or circuit breaker panel.
Fixing the Flicker
Due to the complexity of your electrical system and to determine a proper diagnosis, it is always recommended you consult a professional since it can be dangerous to attempt to repair yourself. If the flickering in your home is not from any standard issues, you need to have a trained professional come out and service your electrical system.