1. Our power grid is aging
Due to the aging power grid serving Southeastern Pennsylvania, this area is more prone to power outages. As we continue to experience severe weather events, these power disruptions are likely to increase in frequency and duration.
2. Utility companies are understaffed
When storms cause widespread damage to power lines, utility companies lack the necessary manpower to address the situation immediately. Crews from out of the area need to be brought in to assist with repairs. Mobilizing these reinforcements is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, which contributes to the length of the power outage.
3. In a warming world, storms are getting stronger
From Snowmageddon to Sandy, storms reach new heights of severity each year. Many people, including scientists at NASA, attribute this trend to global warming. Regardless of their cause, scientists agree that we will continue to see storms of increasing severity.
4. Prolonged power outages are damaging to our homes
Without electricity, not only are our homes uncomfortable, critical appliances in our homes fail to function. From sump pumps to refrigerators, when these appliances cease to work, damage often results. Prolonged power outages are more than just inconvenient. They are messy and expensive.
5. Backup generators have become a necessity for the home
Power outages are extremely inconvenient because we are so reliant on electricity in our daily lives. From our heating and air conditioning units to our portable electronic devices, none of these will function without electricity. With power disruptions on the rise, the best way to prepare and
protect your family is by investing in a backup generator for your home.