5 Reasons to Consider a Home Generator
Take a quick look around the room you’re in. Your home, your office, wherever you may be — count the number of things in the room that run on electricity…
Ok, that’s enough, we realize it’s a lot! Now think if any or all of those electronic devices weren’t working or were low on battery. Would you be able to get anything accomplished around the office or get comfortable in your own home? The answer is probably not, and that’s a scary thought in today’s world that relies so heavily on electricity.
It would be wise to start thinking now about what you would do in a power outage, and if the answer is “PANIC!” then installing a generator is the perfect solution. It’ll keep you up and running no matter what the weather!
Here are 5 reasons why installing a home generator is the right move for your home:
1. All of Your Electronics Stay Up and Powered
With our increasing reliability on smartphones, computers and tablets, it’s hard to imagine life without them. Should an emergency situation arise where you are stuck within the confines of your house, you don’t want to have to worry about a dying battery on a needed device! Make sure your electronics are constantly powered.
2. Food Waste Is Reduced
When a refrigerator goes down, it’s only a matter of time before the food contents within it start to go bad. No need to waste hundreds of dollars on another grocery store when the generator-powered fridge is keeping the food you already bought at proper temperature.
3. Flood Prevention
Should a torrential rain storm pass through your area, no one wants to walk down into or deal with a flooded basement. Make sure your sump pump is working for you to filter all the water through and keep your house dry!
4. Be the Coolest House on the Block
Air conditioners will continue to operate, keeping you cool in an emergency and giving you no reason to evacuate to a neighbor’s house or expensive hotel in the area. The same goes for wintertime — just substitute “heater” for “air conditioner” and “warmest” for “coolest.”
5. Raise the Property Value of Your Home
Home-installed generators are becoming hot commodities. In a few years, when you become an empty nester and are looking to downsize or when you need to relocate, having a back-up generator installed will increase the value of your home.
If you’re currently in a home or office and these concerns are truly speaking to you, give us a call today to blackout any fear of power outages before the next one comes around!