Lansdale Mural Arts Program Chooses Wes Carver Electric as Ideal Location
Wes Carver Electric’s building is getting a makeover courtesy of the Lansdale Mural Arts program. Read more about it in this article from The Reporter. Our building was the ideal blank canvas for local artist, Karin Wolfle Hendricks. Both the artist and volunteers have been working hard to complete Wolfle’s creation, “Seasons.” We are both excited and honored to be part of the program and its mission to reinvigorate the Lansdale borough.
Sponsored by the Lansdale Business Association, the Lansdale Mural Arts Program, “Expressions of a Beautiful Community,” was designed to promote the growth and success of Lansdale as a “destination town” with a vibrant business community. The beautiful artwork created through this program will “integrate color, beauty and new life into daily surroundings.” The Lansdale Mural Arts program strives to have two murals completed by the end of 2013. These works are funded through donations, sponsorships, and fund-raisers.
Check out the article and photos of the work-in-progress here and stay tuned for a photo of the finished product.