Wes Carver Electrical Contracting, Inc. has an absolute commitment to protect and respect your privacy.
Wes Carver Electrical Contracting, Inc. does not gather personally identifiable information unless you sign-up as a member or apply online to learn about opportunities at Wes Carver Electrical Contracting, Inc. We do not keep a list of visitors’ IP addresses nor do we record or analyze information stored in standard HTTP log files. We do not collect information on your operating system nor do we allow downloads and/or Internet cookies from third party web sites.
Public area: All submitted information (e.g. Schedule an Appointment, Preferred Customer Sign-Up) will remain completely confidential as part of the internal HR processes at Wes Carver Electrical Contracting, Inc. Under no circumstances will we sell, trade, share or otherwise release submitted information.
Wes Carver Electrical Contracting, Inc. is very respectful about the privacy concerns of our visitors. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy feel free to Contact Us.