Should You Equip Your Home with a Backup Generator this Summer?
Photo: Frank Lindecke, Flickr Creative Commons
Uncover the pool, dust off that grill, and whip out the sunscreen! With the exception of a few cool days in early June, we’re cruising toward a hot, humid summer here on the Main Line. If you’re anything like us, you’ve been waiting for this season all year long.
Here’s something to consider as we transition into our months of vacations, swimming, and other outdoor fun. Summer may be the perfect season to equip your home with a backup generator. Here’s why:
1. Thunderstorms
Many times, summer thunderstorms mean power outages. This has been true all the more in recent years, thanks to the aging power grid that fuels our area. As our power grid continues to age, and maintenance crews continue to shrink, Main Line residents should expect power outages to be more frequent and long-lasting.
A back-up generator installation will give you peace of mind every time the sky starts to rumble this summer. Instead of worrying about food spoiling, technology going down, and the air conditioning switching off, you can be sure of staying cool and comfortable.
2. Heat Waves
Speaking of air conditioners, the hottest days of the year mean that everyone in our area is blasting theirs at full power — which can lead to power outages. That means when you need it most, your home can be left without air conditioning! Especially if you have young children or elderly parents living in the home, it’s important to keep cool when the high temps climb into the upper nineties.
Backup generators ensure that when electricity usage peaks and causes an outage, your home will remain a safe haven.
3. Emergencies
Our area is lucky to be located outside the typical path of summer hurricanes, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t seen a few emergency weather situations strike in recent years. In a serious disaster such this, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security can actually commandeer available generators for hospitals and ports — which means you may be out of luck if you attempt to install one during your time of need.
Be prepared well in advance with one of our cutting-edge backup generators!
Remember: If you’re not comfortable operating a back-up generator on your own, we have varieties that switch on and off automatically, as needed. Once it’s installed, you can take a completely hands-off approach.
Thanks for keeping up with Wes Carver, the Main Line backup generator experts! If being prepared for summer power outages sounds good to you, give us a call at 267-651-4961!